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Tuesday, June 08, 2004
Welcome to my blog, this is the first time that I have tried this, I have been reading other peoples blogs and I thought that it was about time that I started one of my own.

My wedding is in September and I am trying to loose weight for it. I have been going to Weight Watchers for just over two years and have lost 29 pounds as far. I have quite a long way to go yet to get to the goal that Weight Watchers have set, but slow and easy does it.

The wedding plans are going well, I think that everything is booked, the dress is being made, the cake has been baked and is waiting to be iced and decorated, invitations have gone out and we have received some positive replies back, so I think that all I need to do is check that everyone knows what they are doing.
Congratulations on the 29 pounds, and congratulations on your pending nuptials. I like the look of your blog, you have excellent taste in templates!
Go girl go - this blogging is contagious - but may have a long incubation period.
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